PEMF Frequency Chart

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field or PEMF therapy has been gaining widespread interest and recognition in recent years.

Though this therapy option has been around in some form or the other for many hundred years, it was not until the past few decades that it gained mainstream attention to become a popular therapy option for a wide range of ailments.

With the popularity of PEMF therapy increasing, there has been a simultaneous influx of devices to administer PEMF therapy as well.

When choosing the right PEMF therapy device for you, you need to understand the basics of the build and PEMF technology in general.

A well built PEMF therapy device has three components that are well designed: frequency, intensity and wavefrom.

Given that each of these components are equally important in creating an effective PEMF therapy device, it is important to understand the details of each of these components.

This article will do a deep delve on the frequency component.


What is PEMF Therapy?

Magnetic fields are an essential part of life as we know it.

The earth we live in and the body we have are all in magnetic fields and are balanced by magnetic fields.

PEMF therapy, in a nutshell, uses frequencies, intensities and waveforms that mimic natural magnetic fields to enable the human body to recover from a variety of different ailments by triggering repair at a cellular level.

There have been many studies conducted on a host of different ailments ranging from sleep disorders to musculoskeletal pain and beyond. [1]

Many studies vouch that PEMF therapy has a positive impact on the overall well being of the human body, particularly ones that suffer from serious ailments.

In fact, some studies have even shown positive benefits of PEMF therapy in plastic surgery, as PEMF therapy works at a cellular level and helps with skin cell repair. [2]

Magnetic fields promote self healing and this type of therapy has arguably been around for centuries, but mainstream use and research is limited to the last century.

While the studies that have been conducted show the positive effects of PEMF therapy, there are still areas of research required to understand the extent and reach of PEMF therapy benefits.

However, the existing studies show the vast extent of PEMF therapy and its benefits.

As of 2018, over 80,000 people were reported to suffer from chronic pain annually. [3]

Among the vast range of PEMF benefits, mitigating chronic pain is one of the major benefits.

This is a fraction of the other ailments that PEMF therapy can benefit.

The vastness of benefits and the population that can gain from this therapy is increasing its usage and research.

In order to provide the optimal benefits, a PEMF device should be designed with all things optimal.

This article will delve into the frequency aspect of PEMF devices.

For a deep delve on PEMF therapy you should read this post.


PEMF Frequency

A well built PEMF device, just like all other medical and non medical devices, is one that boasts a robust design and attractive warranty.

This means that the makers have thought through the process and are confident about each part of the device.

Given that PEMF therapy is based around the natural magnetic fields, the frequency of a well built PEMF device is created with earth based frequencies.

This basically means that the PEMF device mimics the natural frequencies present in the most calming activities we experience.

For example, it is not a coincidence that we feel relaxed while watching and listening to the waves of the ocean or walking barefoot on grass.

Fact is that you find these activities relaxing because of the magnetic fields.

The magnetic fields that you experience on earth works to create resonance frequencies.

These resonance frequencies are responsible for gravitating the earth’s magnetic fields.

There is a therapeutic range for PEMF frequency and you need to consult a medical professional before administering any PEMF therapy for your ailment. [4]

There is a spectrum of these frequencies and the among the lowest are frequencies called Schumann resonances.

As the term suggests these frequencies are named using the name of the individual who made this discovery.

In addition, these frequencies are important in PEMF therapy because these frequencies can be as low as 8 Hertz or Hz and in perspective that is over one hundred thousand times lower than radio frequencies that are used by your radio device to operate your radio stations.

Keeping this in mind, a well designed PEMF therapy device is built by being mindful of the earth based frequencies.

Using these earth based low frequency levels, a good PEMF device can work towards outweighing the pros over the cons of the PEMF device.

As a result, these frequencies are really low and work towards enabling your body for repair without intervening with your overall function.

But, the construction of a PEMF device does not end there. [5]


Why is PEMF Frequency Important?

Though there is a lot of information available about PEMF therapy and its benefits, the research space is still growing with new aspects being tried and tested on an ongoing basis.

Within this space, PEMF therapy builds its blocks on three aspects: frequency, waveform and intensity.

While all three of these go hand in hand, there are certain parts of each equation which makes a PEMF device the one people can rely on for desired PEMF therapy.

The frequency of a PEMF device is essentially the intervals in which the device releases the waveforms.

As a result, this component is integral in identifying the interval setting of your PEMF therapy.

While each aspect of PEMF therapy is interrelated the frequency options can help the user identify which setting works best for their ailment and therapy.

Given that frequency is a measurement of how often your device goes through electromagnetic cycles, there needs to be a range of these frequencies.

PEMF therapy and devices root their origins to earth based frequencies and there is a variation and range in these frequencies too.

But, the consensus is that earth based frequencies mimicked for therapy are low.

In fact, studies have shown that low frequencies can trigger cellular rejuvenation, promote tissue repair, stimulate organs, strengthen organ systems and improve overall health.

In the process of getting PEMF therapy, it is not just the frequency that helps achieve all this but the right combination between low frequencies, waveforms and intensities that help achieve this goal.

Frequency is measured in gauss or tesla and adjusting the right frequencies can promote overall body repair.

As a result, PEMF therapy works as a combination of frequency, waveform and intensity but low frequency combinations with the other two combinations tend to yield desired results. [6]

PEMF therapy is increasingly being used for a variety of different ailments ranging from bone related issues to cancer to skin issues and many other things.

PEMF frequencies are important because different parts of our bodies respond to different things.

Being able to manipulate frequencies as per the demands of certain areas of your body can allow you to tailor make PEMF therapy that is more impactful and ailment specific.

These frequencies have the ability to communicate with our brain and notify our body that we are in the mode of repair.

Due to all of this, the use and research of the field of PEMF therapy and the biomedical technology space is on the rise. [7]


Types of PEMF Devices

With the increase in studies in PEMF therapy, it is clear that there are positive impacts of PEMF therapy and the use of this therapy option is on a rise.

Despite extensive research and ample information available regarding PEMF therapy and its benefits in a host of different diseases, there is still a little bit of confusion when it comes to identifying the perfect PEMF device for you.

The first step is recognizing you want to attempt PEMF therapy, the next step is consulting a medical practitioner about its benefits and potential side effects (just like any therapy or drug option) and the last and most important part is purchasing a PEMF device that works for you.

In fact, a well designed PEMF device will mind the frequency, waveform and intensity and not post any harmful risks.

For starters, the fundamental thing you need to know about PEMF therapy devices is that they are built around frequency, waveform and intensity.

Modulating these three components will give you the desired therapy setting you need.

There are a few PEMF devices available in the market but the one for you is the one that is designed with science in mind.

A robust device that keeps the natural earth frequencies, waveform and intensities in mind is most likely to give you the benefits you need and minimize the possible risks involved with trying a new type of therapy.

While it is important to mimic earth frequencies, there might be certain pre-existing health conditions which might require a little bit higher frequencies, waveforms and intensities.

Even though you might opt to choose the earth based setting, having the options of increasing the settings can ensure your PEMF device can give you the therapy you need.


PEMF Benefits

The interest and discourse around PEMF therapy roots from the benefits it boasts.

When your body has an injury or suffers from a disease, this takes a tool on not just a specific organ but your overall health and wellbeing.

There has been research on specific benefits of PEMF therapy and the benefits include: reduced inflammation or swelling, pain alleviation, increased blood circulation, improved muscle function, balanced immunity, induce sleep, improved oxygen flow and regeneration of cells.

The premise for all of this has been built through studies and trials.

In addition to the overall benefits of PEMF therapy there are a number of diseases or ailments that can benefit from PEMF therapy.

For example, diabetes, sleep disorders, osteoarthritis, muscle disorders, cancers and many other ailments can benefit from PEMF therapy.

By working at a cell level, the biggest benefit of PEMF therapy is that it works towards empowering and strengthening your body to trigger repair from within.

The basic mechanism is that the frequency, waveform and intensities released from a PEMF device will target repair across the areas where your body is placed and beyond.

During the process of repairing cells and promoting better blood flow, PEMF therapy is also able to stimulate brain function.

For example, PEMF therapy makes your body release melatonin, which is regarded as the sleep hormone, and helps prepare your system for repair.

Similarly, each other benefits of PEMF therapy works towards promoting your body towards self-healing by dedicating therapy towards areas in most need.

In doing so, your overall body function leaves your feeling rejuvenated and equipped to combat any other underlying health conditions.

PEMF therapy is a space that has many knowns and more unknowns.

While there have been a few studies over the past few decades that explore the exact nature of each benefit of PEMF therapy, there are still many areas that require further exploration.

In a nutshell, the PEMF therapy space thrives in the idea of mimicking earth based, or natural electromagnetic waves, to promote natural healing.

To understand the specifics of the many benefits of PEMF therapy read on. (insert post: PEMF therapy benefits)



Whether you have a sleep disorder or a fracture, PEMF therapy can help your road to recovery.

Though each of these medical conditions have different causes and remedies, PEMF therapy can work towards addressing both of this because of the fundamentals of this therapy option.

PEMF therapy and devices are built around the idea that frequencies, waveforms and intensities or the pulsed usage of electromagnetic fields can go into the cell level.

Once we start repairing our cell, we position ourselves to propagate self healing.

As a result, someone with a fracture or a sleep disorder can use PEMF therapy for healing because the cells that are injured in either of these scenarios get a chance to get repaired and stimulated.

But, for PEMF therapy to truly provide the benefits that it boasts, it is equally important to identify the right PEMF device for you.

If you are considering PEMF therapy, understand the mechanics and choose a device that is truest to the mechanics that work.

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